4 Things We Can Do To Inspire Others

Everyone loves a good inspirational story. We want to know what motivates people, what pushes them to be better. We want to draw inspiration for ourselves. We want to hear some piece of music, see some movie, or hear about some awesome event that pushes us to go further. There are whole industries based around motivational speakers, self-help books, inspirational stories for teens, or guidance for young adults. Can we make a difference in each other’s lives without being a self-help guru? 

Here are 4 things we can do to inspire others:

  1. Be Authentic
  2. Be Confident
  3. Be Honest
  4. Be Open 

Be Authentic

It isn’t always easy to be our authentic selves. Many of us feel that if the world sees us, they won’t like what they see. Many of us don’t like what we see when we look in the mirror, so we try to make up some new persona to present to the world. However, when people see that we are putting on a mask, they can tell that we are being fake. Authenticity attracts people. When we are truly ourselves, not trying to be someone else, people will be genuinely attracted to who we really are – and that leads us to number two.

Be Confident

People are attracted to confidence. But, gaining confidence is hard! Not all of us were praised for doing well when we were little. We have all failed at something, and some of us have failed more often and in worse ways than others! But, we have to remember that no one has every gained anything through giving up. Be confident in your ability! And, if you aren’t able to do something, be confident in your ability to learn! People love confidence, but make sure it doesn’t go over the top and turn into arrogance.

Be Honest

Honesty is the best policy. We all know a liar, and very few of us would ever say that we like them. Lying, cheating, misleading people…these are all traits of people that don’t have the skills or confidence to do things for themselves! They get by because they mistreat people, not because they are authentic or confident. Real, confident people don’t need to lie! Honesty is attractive and refreshing, and it will help you to attract the kind of people and situations in your life that you really want to have.

Be Open

The only thing that will never change in your life is that there will be change. No matter what happens, be open to it. Maybe you’ll need to learn a new skill, or find a new job, or change your major. Change is unavoidable. Learning who you are and what you need to change to be happy is a skill that’s best acquired while you’re young. Learning new skills, leaving bad relationships, or overcoming shyness at any age can be difficult, but the older and more set in your ways you become, the harder these changes will be. Understand that nothing lasts forever, and be open to whatever life is going to bring next. Others will see this and be inspired, and you’ll be able to help the next person on their journey. 

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