Break Free from shyness, and feel inspired

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Name: Fantabulous (Fantastic + Fabulous)

Short Name: Faabu Chan

Fox: Male

Birthday: December 31st, 2015 at 10:11 pm

Blood Type: J. The J is for Japan

Birthday Place: Osaka, Japan

Likes: Dance, Music, Traveling around Japan and other countries, Badminton, and watching sports games.

Favorite Game: Basketball.

Favorite Food: Tempura, Thai fried rice, Collard greens with hot sauce.

Favorite Colors: Blue, Orange, and Gray

A symbol and messenger of "INSPIRATIONAL" thoughts.

Fantabulous, the Messenger, is created to be a symbol and messenger of “INSPIRATIONAL” thoughts. Fantabulous was designed for encouragement for us as people when we are feeling disappointment, sadness, frustration, etc., that we sometimes experience in our life.

This image also uses to distribute motivational thoughts when people are doing well in life and feeling great about themselves to acknowledge and encourage them to continue excellence in their life.

Whenever anyone feeling shy, discourage, and they can see a Fantabulous Image, and it’s a reminder that they are

Fantabulous, awesome, amazing, or any chosen word that has a definite meaning to encourage us to do better in our profession, schools, careers, sports or whatever your goals are to be successful and continue to do.